
Horry Post 111


May be an image of text that says 'HORRY POST 111 MONTHLY MEETING SATURDAY FEBRUARY 8th 9 AM Breakfast followed by meeting AMERICAN M LEGION'


We are American Legion Horry Post 111


Horry Post 111 was founded in 1925 in Conway SC, and has served Veterans of all branches of the United States’ military from WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Panama, and the more recent Gulf War conflicts, and the War on Terror.

Our motto is “Veterans serving Veterans in the Conway SC area“

These Veterans have put their efforts toward serving the Conway area community by providing area high school students the opportunity to play American Legion Baseball, to take part in Oratorical Competitions (conducted annually), and to take part in the Palmetto Boys State and the Nathan Wolf Law Cadet Academy.

Boys State and the Law Academy teach our young men about how our government works and about how Law and Order is handled in South Carolina.

Post 111 also supports the JROTC programs of both Carolina Forest high school and Conway high school, and we annually recognize students from these programs who excel in Academics and Military Knowledge and Skills.

The Post has participated in countless events within the community, helping when and wherever we can. Members place American Flags on main thoroughfares in Conway at proper holidays throughout the year, and they hold a flag retirement ceremony annually, usually on or around Flag Day, June 14th.

Post 111, with the help of Conway National Bank, offers collection points for American Flags and South Carolina Flags which need replacing or retiring.


After nearly 41 years of not having our own Post home, we have recently (June of 2016) purchased our own property. Our address is 3003 Hwy 701 N., Conway, SC 29526. Come check us out and plan to take part in our ever-growing list of activities.


Make a tax-deductible donation to our Post & Programs.

For donation please mail or deliver checks, cashier checks, and money orders to: Post 111 Adjutant, 3003 Hwy 701N, Conway, SC 29526

Please DO NOT mail cash. For cash donations please deliever to the post.



      LeRoy Marcotte      



Legion History - American Legion Post 129