
Horry Post 111


Post Everlasting

Eagle praying over flag draped coffin
Post 111 members who are now members of Post Everlasting

The American Legion’s motto is “For God and Country“. The Legionnaires listed on this page all served their country in times of war and of peace. Some retired and some served just a few years, and some were Prisoners of War (POW’s) or Missing In Action (MIA).

Regardless of their status or years of service, each one gave of themselves so that this great country can be free and stay free.

As Legionnaires, these men continued to serve their country. They served so that young Americans could learn the value of Americanism and Patriotism. They served so that young Americans could benefit from the experiences of these patriots.

And now their service has come to an end and we honor them; for their lives, for their service, for their patriotism, and for what they did for

Horry Post 111 and the citizens of Conway, SC.


 Alan Lee Nagy; December 31, 2020

Legionnaire Alan Lee Nagy died December 31, 2020, from mantle cell lymphoma related to his exposure to Agent Orange during the Vietnam Conflict. Alan, active in both American legion Post 111 and the American Legion Post 111 Child and Youth Foundation, served his country in the US Army during the Vietnam conflict and earned The Air Medal, The Army Commendation Medal for Valor, The Bronze Star, and a Purple Heart.

 Mr. Earl Brooks: Funeral July 26, 2020

It is with sadness that we report the passing of one of our members, Mr. Earl Brooks. His funeral service was on July 26, 2020. He was a member of the U. S. Air Force while serving in Vietnam. He will be missed by his family and friends and by members of American Legion Post 111.

Mr. Hoyt P. Parker: July 15, 2020

It is with sadness that we report the death of Mr. Hoyt Parker. Hoyt passed away on July 15, 2020, at the age of 88. He was a veteran of the U. S. Air Force and served in the Korean War. Hoyt was a 17-year member of American Legion Post 111. He will be missed by all. No picture is available at this time.

Jesse Elbert Long, Jr.: November 19, 2019

Jesse Long, a 39 year member of American Legion Post 111, Died November 19, 2019Jesse Long, a 39-year member of American Legion Post 111, passed away November 19, 2019. Mr. Long was also the State Director of American Legion Baseball for eight years. Jesse Long served his country with dignity and honor in the United State Army during the Korean Conflict

 John Edward Batten, III: October 11, 2019

John Batten IIIPost 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire John Edward Batten, III, who passed away on the 11th day of October 2019 at Loris Rehab and Nursing Center. John was a past Commander of American Legion Post 111 in Conway, SC and was a continuous member of the Post for 53 years. John started his service to his country during the Korean War in the United States Air Force Aviation Cadet Training Program and later retired as a triple-rated Regular Air Force Officer: Pilot, Navigator, and Radar Observer. John flew 83 combat missions in the F-94 Starfire during the Korean War. He also flew the F086 Sabre jet fighter and the RF-84F during the Cold War. He received the A.F. Air Medal, Korean Service Medal, Korean UN Service Medal, ROK Korean War Service Medal and numerous other aviation awards and decorations. He will be greatly missed from the rolls of American Legion Post 111.

William "Bill" H. Long, April 19, 2019

Post 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire William (Bill) H. Long who passed into Post Everlasting Friday, April 19, 2019 at 92 years of age. Bill, a U.S. Navy veteran, was a long-term active member of American Legion Post 111.

 Clarence George Morrison, Jr.: February 25, 2019

Post 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire Clarence George Morrison Jr. who passed into Post Everlasting February 25, 2019. He was a long-term member of Post 111 and was a proud Navy Veteran. He will be missed by all at the Post.

George Olson: Thursday, January 10, 2019

Legionnaire George OlsonPost 111 bids a fond farewell to another WW-II and Korean War Veteran, Legionnaire George Olson. George was a long-term member of American Legion Post 111. He was 94 years old when he passed away on Thursday, January 10, 2019. George proudly served our country with the United States Air Force during both WW-II and the Korean Conflict.

 Gene Oliver Sparks: October 3, 2018

Gene SparksPost 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire Gene Sparks who passed into Post Everlasting October 3, 2018. Gene proudly served in the United States Army during the Korean war period and he was a long-term member of American Legion Horry post 111. He was also heavily active in the Conway Community. Fair well friend.

David Kersey, March 25, 2018

Legionnaire David KerseyLegionnaire David H. Kersey, passed away Sunday evening, March 25, 2018. Legionnaire Kersey was a Vietnam War Veteran, serving in the US Army. He received numerous awards including Vietnam service medal, Army commendation medal and aircraft crewman badge among others. Additionally, Legionnaire Kersey was the Post Commander for American Legion Horry Post 111 from July 1914 - June 1916.

 William Henry Robertson Jr., February 7, 2018

Legionnaire Bill RobertsonLegionnaire William (Bill) Robertson, a Korean War Veteran, passed away at his residence, February 7, 2018. Legionnaire Robertson served his country in the United States Army from 1948-1955, during the Korean Conflict. He continued to serve his country as a member of American Legion Post 111 through 2018. Members of Post 111 provided an honor guard for his funeral service. Entombment with Military Honors followed at Hillcrest Mausoleum. His family has requested donations to American Legion Post 111 in lieu of flowers. One of Bill's desires for Post 111 was to setup a Ham Radio Station.09

 Winston Paul Watts, January 9, 2018

Legionnaire Winston WattsLegionnaire Winston Paul Watts, a Korean War Veteran, passed away at the Conway Medical Center Tuesday, January 9, 2018 at the age of 83. Legionnaire Watts was a Retired U.S. Air Force Veteran and served during the Korean War, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Vietnam War. He continued to serve his country as a member of American Legion Post 111. Funeral Services were held Friday, January 12, 2018 with burial at Hillcrest Cemetery.

William (Bill) Edward Teal, December 21, 2017

Legionnaire Bill TealLegionnaire William (Bill) Edward Teal passed away Thursday, December 21, 2017 while at Embrace Hospice. Bill was a proud member of American Legion Post 111 attending as often as his health allowed. As an Army Veteran of the Korean Conflict, Legionnaire Teal served as a forward observer for the 7th Division 32nd Regiment. A memorial service was held Saturday, April 14, 2018. American Legion Post 111 was in attendance.

Eddie B. Dix, July 10, 2017

Legionnaire Eddie B. Dix passed away Monday, July 10, 2017. As a Vietnam Veteran, Eddie served in the United States Marine Corps. Eddie was also a long term member of American Legion Horry Post 111. His memorial service was held at Goldfinch Funeral Home in Conway, SC. and American Legion Post 111 provided an honor detail. No picture is available

 Jerry Hoyt Sanders, May 10, 2017

Commander Jerry SandersLegionnaire Jerry Hoyt Sanders passed away Wednesday, May 10, 2017 while visiting his family. As a Vietnam Veteran, Jerry served in the United States Air Force. As an eleven (11) year member of American Legion Horry Post 111, Jerry served in multiple capacities including as Post Commander. Jerry earned one of the Post's most prestigious awards winning the Legionnaire of the Year award during our Veterans Celebration banquet in November, 2015. His memorial service was held at Trinity United Methodist Church Wednesday, May 17, 2017.

 Francis (Frank) G. Loftus Sr., Late April, 2017

Legionnaire Frank Loftus Sr., passed away in late April, 2017. Frank was a two year member of Post 111 and had recently volunteered to participate in several of our Post functions. The family did not have any local services.

Joseph Romeo, February 24, 2017

Legionnaire Joseph Anthony Romeo passed away Friday, February 24, 2017 at Grand Strand Regional Medical Center. Born on August 1, 1940 in Marion, Ohio. Mr. Romeo served his country in Vietnam and later as a member of American Legion Horry Post 111. He will be missed by all of us who enjoyed his humor and smile at the Post. The family has requested donations be made to American Legion Post 111 in Conway, SC.

Patrick J. Argento, February 23, 2017

Legionnaire ArgentoLegionnaire Patrick J. Argento passed away Thursday, February 23, 2017 at Grand Strand Medical Center. Born on December 13, 1924, Mr. Argento proudly served in the United States Army during WWII in the second wave invasion in Normandy and he was a long-time member of American Legion Horry Post 111. Memorials may be made to the Wounded Warriors Project, 4899 Belfort Road, Suite 300, Jacksonville, F: 32256.

John Mark Johnson, February 20, 2017

Legionnaire John M. Johnson passed away at his home Monday, February 20, 2017. Legionnaire Johnson retired from the U.S. Coast Guard as a Senior Master Chief Electrician (E-9) after 22 years in the Coast Guard. He was a member of Good Hope Baptist Church where he sang in the Good Hope Baptist Quartet and the Redeemed Quartet for 25 years. A long-term member of American Legion Horry Post 111. 

 David P. "Scotty" Scott: January 26, 2017

Legionnaire ScottLegionnaire David P. (Scotty) Scott, a Retired USAF Master Sergeant, passed away Thursday, January 26, 2017 at his home at the age of 74. Scotty was a long term member and supporter of Post 111 but had not been able to participate for the last several years due to illness. Scotty was a Vietnam Veteran and retired from the U.S. Air Force after 22 years.

 Sandy Gillison: January 2, 2017

Legionnaire GillisonLegionnaire Sandy Gillison, a long-time member of Post 111 past away Monday, January 2, 2017. Sandy was our Sergeant-of-Arms for many years. He was very helpful around the Post and would do anything that was asked of him. Sandy had been fighting cancer for over a year. Sandy's funeral services were held at the Second Gethsemane Baptist Church on Stuart Point Road in Seabrook, SC 29940 (near Charleston) on January 7, 2017.

 Richard Booth: August 8, 2016

Legionnaire Richard N. Booth passed away Monday, August 8, 2016 at his residence. He was a US Army Captain proudly serving his country during the Vietnam War. He continued to serve his country as a member of American Legion Post 111 through 2013. No picture is available

Russell Hodges: April 28, 2016

Legionnaire HodgesLegionnaire Russell Hodges, a long-time member of Horry Post 111 passed away April 28, 2016 at 96 years of age. Mr. Hodges loved his American Legion Post and until his health prevented him from being there, showed up and participated at almost every meeting. His service was held Sunday, May 1, 2016 at First Baptist Church Conway.

Dr. Edward Alan Coy: November 11, 2015

Legionnaire Dr. CoyLegionnaire Dr. Edward Alan Coy, 91, died Wednesday, November 11, 2015 at Conway Medical Center. Dr. Coy was a 45 year member of the American Legion and transferred to Horry Post 111 in 2002. Dr. Coy received two Purple Hearts during his service in the US Army during WW II.

Wayne G. Lambert: August 18, 2015

Legionnaire LambertLegionnaire Wayne G. Lambert, a former member of American Legion Post 111, passed away on August 18, 2915. Wayne was a retired Army SSGT and retired from the Onondaga County Sheriff's Office in Syracuse, NY.

 John Marion Vaught Jr.: June 26, 2015

Legionnaire Vaught Jr.Legionnaire John Marion Vaught Jr. passed away Friday, June 26, 2015 at his residence. Marion was a 69 year veteran of the American Legion and a member of Horry Post 111. He once received the Legionnaire of the year award and was also a past Chaplain of the Post. His funeral was at the Tilley Swamp Baptist Church and interment was at the church cemetery.

John C. (J.C.) Bennett: April 18, 2015

Legionnaire BennettLegionnaire John C. (J.C.) Bennett, a long-time member of Horry Post 111 passed into Post Everlasting April 18, 2015 at Palmetto Health Richland Heart Hospital in Columbia, SC following an illness. He was 86 years of age. J.C. was a past Commander of Horry Post 111 (1996) and also received the Americanism and Outstanding Leadership Awards in 1996. JC's funeral service was held at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at the North Conway Baptist Church located at 1608 Sessions St., Conway, SC 29526. Interment was at the Hillcrest Mausoleum.

 Delford "Del" John Kalal: February 19, 2015

Legionnaire KalalLegionnaire Delford "Del" John Kalal, a member of Post 111, passed into Post Everlasting February 19, 2015 at 89 years of age. As a young 17 year old in the early years of WW II, Del joined the U.S. Marines seeing action in the South Pacific in battlefield engagements from New Hebrides through Peleliu to Okinawa. After being released from active duty, he remained a Marine on inactive status. After graduating from college and seminary school, he joined the USAF as a chaplain. He finally retired from the Air Force in 1970. His service to his country didn't stop there however because in 1982 Del began the Air Force JROTC program at Socastee High School where he served until 1989. Post 111 members had the honor of participating in his funeral services.

 Larry Greene: February 12, 2015

Legionnaire Greene

Post 111 and Legion Riders Chapter 111 (ALRSC Chapter 111) bids a fond farewell to Legionnaire Larry "Grumpy" Greene who passed away in his sleep, Thursday morning, February 12, 2015. Larry was a proud member of Horry Post 111 as well as the Assistant Director of American Legion Riders Chapter 111 of South Carolina, a Program of Horry Post 111. Larry was instrumental in establishing the Riders Chapter in Post 111. Larry was a US Marine Veteran, serving three tours of duty in Vietnam, receiving two Purple Hearts, Combat Action Ribbon, Navy Unit Commendation, Good Conduct Medal, National Defense Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry, Vietnam Civil Action Ribbon, Vietnam Campaign Ribbon and Missing In Action. He enjoyed flying, golf, Michigan sports (Football), Harley Davidson motorcycles, hot sauces (the hotter the better) and an avid gun collector. Accomplishing his dream of moving to Myrtle Beach to retire, he became a member of Combat Vets, supporting his fellow veterans. He was also a member of Masonic Lodge 32nd degree and Baby Horry Charity. He participated in Rolling Thunder and Wreaths Across America. Larry was 62 years old. The picture on the right above is of the State Director of ALRSC, Grady Richardson, presenting the Charter of ALRSC-111 to the Commander of Post 111 with Larry looking on.

Francis F. Hardee: November 30, 2014

Legionnaire HardeeLegionnaire Hardee

Horry Post 111 bids a fond farewell to Legionnaire Francis F. Hardee who passed away at home Sunday, November 30, 2014. Francis was a proud member of our American Legion Post; if he could get out of the house, he was at our Legion meetings, and he ALWAYS had a smile. His daughter Ann was also there with him each time because, as she said, "Daddy loved going to the American Legion meetings and he was so proud that we were growing". Unless you went to church with him, the last time most of us saw him was at the annual Veterans Day Banquet November 10th. Francis, age 90, served in the Army during WWII with the 381st Engineer Combat Battalion 9th Army from 1942 - 1946.

W.L. "Stick" Chestnut: September 25, 2014

Legionnaire ChestnutLegionnaire Stick Chestnut was born in Conway, a son of the late W.B. and Grace Lewis Chestnut. He was a member and former deacon of First Baptist Church in Conway and was chairman of the committee that helped form Langston Baptist Church. Stick was a U.S. Army Air Corps Veteran of WWII and prior to retirement, he worked in the parts department at Palmetto Chevrolet and was with the organization for more than 50 years. He was very active in several civic organizations in the Conway Area. Stick was a former Boy Scout Troop Leader for many years, was a member and former president of the Conway Kiwanis Club and was a member of the American Legion Post # 111. Funeral services were held at First Baptist Church Conway at 4:00 PM Sunday, September 28, 2014. Internet was at Lakeside Cemetery. American Legion Post 111 members honored his service with a contingent present at both funeral and grave side services. The Vietnam Veterans of South Carolina provided the gun salute and taps and presented the United States flag to the family. Stick was 97 years of age.

Luria "Lou" Cox: September 3, 2014

Legionnaire CoxPost 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire Luria "Lou" Cox who passed into Post Everlasting September 3, 2014. Lou served his country proudly for 22 years in the United States Air Force and after that was a proud member of American Legion Post #111 for several years. Funeral services were held at 10:00 AM Saturday, September 6, 2014 at Goldfinch Funeral Home, Conway chapel. He was buried with Military Honors in Twin City Memorial Gardens in Loris.

William B. Woodward "Burroughs": April 25, 2014

Legionnaire BurroughsPost 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire William B. "Woody" Woodward, known to most of us as Burroughs, who passed into Post Everlasting April 25, 2014. His service to his country extended from World War II through the Vietnam War. Just as he was active during this Nation's war-time periods, he was also an active participant and hard worker at American Legion Horry Post 111. He worked tirelessly in our fund raisers and other events so that the Post would be able to sponsor young men to Palmetto Boys State and he was a constant presence at the American Legion Baseball games. His funeral service was held at 11:00 am Tuesday, April 29th at Kingston Presbyterian Church. internment, with full military honors, followed at Lakeside Cemetery in Conway, SC.

Gilbert Burke Ellerby: March 27, 2014

Leginnaire ElerbyPost 111 bids a last farewell to Legionnaire Gilbert Ellerby who passed into Post Everlasting March 27, 2014. Gillbert Ellerby, a World War II veteran, proudly served in the U.S. Army from 1943 through 1946 and in the U.S. Air Force Reserves from 1946 through 1949 and he was a long-time member of Horry Post 111. His work in the community included such things as Scout Master for the Boy Scouts of America, Pee Dee Area Council for more than 25 years. He was recognized for his service as a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award. Gillbert will be missed by Horry Post 111.



Salute to the coffin draped flag


Many more of our Legionnaires have passed away through the years but those shown here make up all that have passed on to Post Everlasting since this website was started. We do not wish to slight anyone and hope that if your loved one is missing from the list, you will forgive us and offer us information so that we may include them.




A Veteran Died Today (A Poem)

He was getting old and paunchy, and his health was failing fast.
And he sat around the Legion, telling of his past.
Of the war that he had fought in. Of the deeds, he had done.
Of the exploits with his buddies. They were heroes, everyone.

Though, sometimes to his neighbors, his tales became a joke.
All his buddies listened, for they knew whereof he spoke.
But we’ll hear his tales no longer, for old Bill has passed away.
And the world’s a little poorer, for a Veteran died today.

No, he wasn’t mourned by many, just his children and his wife.
For he lived an ordinary, very quiet sort of life.
He held a job and raised a family, quietly going on his way.
And the world won’t note his passing though a Veteran died today.

When politicians leave this earth, their bodies lie in state.
While thousands note their passing, proclaiming they were great.
The papers tell their life stories, from the time that they were young.
But the passing of a Veteran goes unnoticed and unsung.

Is the greatest contribution to the welfare of this land,
Some jerk who breaks his promise, and cons his fellow man?
Or the ordinary fellow, who in times of war and strife,
Goes off to serve the country. And offers up his life.

The politician’s stipend, and the style in which they live.
Are sometimes disproportionate, to the service that they give.
While the ordinary Veteran, who offered up his all
Is paid off with a medal and perhaps a pension small

It’s so easy to forget, for it was so long ago.
That our Bob’s and Jim’s went to battle, but we know.
It was not the politician, with his compromise and ploy,
Who won for us this freedom that our citizens enjoy.

Should you find yourself in danger, with your enemies at hand.
Would you really want some cop-out, with his ever-waffling hand.
Or would you want a Veteran, who has sworn to defend
His home, his kin and his country and fight until the end?

He’s just a common Veteran and his ranks are growing thin.
But his presence should remind us we may need his like again.
For when countries are in conflict, we find the Veterans’ part
Is to clean up all the troubles that the politicians start.

If we cannot do him honor, while he’s alive to hear the praise.
Then at least let’s give him homage at the ending of his days
Perhaps a simple headline in the paper that might say,

“Pay honor to this hero, for a Veteran died today”