
Horry Post 111


Post Officers

Commander Louis W. Morse: (Lou): Served in USNR as a Hospital Corpsman. Lou joined American Legion Post 151, Middletown, NY in 1976, served as 3rd Vice Commander for one year, and Chaplain for 12 years. Lou was also a 15-year member of the Middletown-Wallkill Veteran’s Committee, serving as Chairman for three years. Lou is a former member of Murrells Inlet American Legion Post 178 where he served as 1st Vice Commander. He is a Paid-up for life member of the American Legion. He joined the American Legion in 1977. Is the current District 4  Commander and is the South Carolina Department Historian for 2024 – 2025 

Louis Morse


First Vice Commander Mike Burns: Served in the United States Naval Submarine Service during the Persian Gulf War. (1989-1993) Originally Joined the American Legion Post 14 In Rockville, CT. Moved to Conway, SC in 2017. He’s been a proud member of the American Legion for over 27 years. He has served as American Legion Post 111 Sergeant-at-Arms for a year before moving to 2nd Vice Commander. Mike is a very active member of our post and part of the Bingo Program!


Second Vice Commander Jim Moro: Jim served in the U.S. Navy in the Mediterranean during the Vietnam era. Jim joined Post 111 in 2018 and was elected Commander for Post 111 in 2022. As Commander, he is responsible for all that goes on at the Post. As such, he works tirelessly to ensure the Post remains safe and runs smoothly for everyone. He was born in Boston and moved to SC in 2017 from NH.

2nd Vice Commander


Adjutant Dave Goodman: Dave has been involved in our Post since 2013. Dave has been our Adjutant since 2014. The Adjutant’s responsibility is enormous. He is the Post Secretary and as such, is responsible for all things administrative for the Post. Additionally, he is responsible for all members and ensuring that State and National have the most accurate information about Horry Post 111. Dave was also the District 4 Commander in 2017 serving seven posts in Horry County, SC. Dave is a Cold War veteran serving in the US Army during the Vietnam era. Dave joined the American Legion in 1985.

Adjutant Dave Goodman


Finance Officer Don Deane: Don, one of our Past Commanders, has been heavily involved in our Bingo committee and the Bingo program. Additionally, Don has been our House Committee chair and as such worked tirelessly in repairs to our facility as needed. Always willing to lend a hand when needed. Don is a Vietnam veteran having served in the US Army. Don joined the American Legion in 2016.

Finance Officer Don Deane


Athletic Officer:


Sergeant-at-Arms Rick Lab: Rick is a 22-year Air Force veteran retiring in 1995. While in the Air Force, Rick was a Military Instructor and deployed with Myrtle Beach AFB to Desert/Storm/Persian Gulf War in 1990/1991. Rick has been a member of Post 111 since 2016 and is an active member of our post:  presently serving as our Honor Guard Commander, calls bingo, Americanism Chairman, and is a member of various post committees.  

Rick Lab

Service Officer Dave Berry: Dave served in the Navy during the Vietnam War era. After retirement, he went back to work for the Navy as a contractor for another 20 years. Dave is a recent graduate of The American Legion 2023 New Service Officer School. Dave has been a member of American Legion Post 111 since 2009 and he was the Post’s Finance Officer for 13 years.

Legionnaire Dave Berry

Historian Bruce Donegan: Bruce came from the Pleasant Valley Post 739 in Pleasant Valley, NY. While in New York, Bruce served as Post Adjutant, Post Commander, County Commander, and District Commander. He has been our Post Historian for the past three years. One of his many tasks is to prepare and submit the Post’s annual report. Bruce is a Vietnam veteran and has been a member of the American Legion since 1973. 

Bruce Donegan

Chaplain Roger McGuigan: Bio unavailable.
